
Local bird sightings - reporting them to SECOS

SECOS would like you to submit your records to us, preferably ‘electronically’ so they can be processed efficiently.  Please see the Contacts Page of this website for an email address to which sightings can be sent.

Most of the forms can be opened using platforms other than MS Office, e.g. OpenOffice, etc.

Your records form the bulk of the Sightings Section in our newsletter, “The Observer”, and are also posted on the website and entered in BTO BirdTrack monthly.

WhatsApp Group

SECOS operates a WhatsApp group, "SECOS Area Birds," to keep you in the loop about the latest sightings.

you can use the following options ( in addition to existing resources ): - Download the forms below or follow the links
  • bulk records - MS Excel spreadsheet ( or CSV file – with column heading )
CAWOS Recording Sheet
  • Casual / Roving Records Form – a MS Word document
Casual A4 Landscape
Rarity Form

Here is an amended version of the British Birds Rarities Committee ( BBRC ) form -
an MS Word file that can be completed electronically

Quote from Hugh Pulsford, the CAWOS County Recorder - “the key thing is to describe why it was the species claimed, a few well written lines, focussing on the shape, jizz, plumage; call and behaviour are all that is required. Of course, these days many birders carry cameras and even a poor record shot is often enough to confirm a sighting. So what do I mean: I always say, write down your thoughts that you went through when you saw the bird, i.e. what made you realise it was what you now claim it was”

SECOS Rarity Form v20-01






What to do if you find a rare bird and are concerned about the disturbance, etc?
RSPB and Natural England guidance
What to do if you find a rare bird
The CAWOS website has pages that include: -

  • list of county rarities – where a description is also required ( as at 2015 )

County Rarities

If you normally send your sightings directly to CAWOS, continue to do so but we’d be grateful if you also send a copy to us for our records
Checklist of birds seen in the SECOS Recording Area ( up to 31st Dec ’19 ) Checklist
Here is an amended version of the CAWOS Gazetteer to show just SECOS sites ( as at Dec 2023 ) SECOS Gazetteer
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