Details of January sightings will appear on the Monthly Sightings page.
Mike&Andy 31st January 2023
4 Oystercatchers in the sailing club at Doddington this morning and a Peregrine perched up.Also Stonechat,Red Kite over,3 Shelduck,18 Goldeneye,20 Pochard and 11 Shovelers.
Glyn Jones 27th January 2023
27th January 2023
Queen’s Park – 1145
60+ Canada Geese, 2 F Goosanders, pair of Mandarin Ducks, single Common Gull amongst all the Black-headed Gulls
Our Mute Swan left about five days ago and is thought to be at Winsford Flash,
also Little Owl was showing well yesterday at its usual spot but not today!!!
Colin 27th January 2023
At Doddington on a murky morning I could only add 95 tufted to yesterday’s records. The male stonechat was perched on the car par park fence then dropped down amongst the boats.
Mike&Andy 26th January 2023
75 Wigeon circled Doddington this morning with just 14 dropping down.Also 26 Pochard,10 Goldeneye,a few Teal and Shoveler,Shelduck,2 Stonechats,Reed Bunting and a displaying Raven.
Glyn Jones 25th January 2023
25th January 2023 – 1130
I also saw 30+ Siskins at Borrow Pit Meadows but they were in alders by the pool but mobile, also Kestrel
Colin 25th January 2023
Around 30 siskin still feeding in the alders by Tilley’s Bridge at Borrow Pit Meadows this morning. Thanks Dave
David Winnington 24th January 2023
20+ Siskin in Alder trees Borrow pit meadows near Tilleys bridge
Also Male Kestrel same area
David Winnington 23rd January 2023
Lawton Lake
16,Mandarin 11 Drakes
3 Goosander 2 Drakes
Mute Swan
2 Grey Wagtails on stream
6 Tuffted duck
Colin 20th January 2023
A good morning doing a WeBS count at Doddington this morning. The best birds were a female Bullfinch in the trees by Lemon Pool, then a female Stonechat along the drive to the units, followed quickly by a male Stonechat on the car park fence and finally I nearly trod on a Jack Snipe in the juncus. Three species that I did not see at all last year, so with the Grey Partridge that I had last week I probably will start a year list for this year.
The best WeBS birds were shoveler 29, teal 22, goldeneye 10, shelduck 2, pochard 23, tufted 105, wigeon 2, mute swan 2
Tom Graham 18th January 2023
Borrow Pit Meadow
After Carol and I bemoaning the lack of birds on our walk we encountered the following on and just off the salt line within a few yards of each other – pheasant / GS woodpecker / buzzard / little egret
Tom Graham 18th January 2023
Borrow Pit Meadow / Salt Line
After Carol and I bemoaning the lack of birds on our walk we encountered the following on
Glyn Jones 16th January 2023
16th January 2023
Queen’s Park Crewe – 1130
80+ Canada Geese, pair of Mandarin Ducks, Mute Swan and 3 F & 1 M Goosanders
P.S. Barnacle Goose has been missing for some time, but a Barnacle Goose amongst some Canada Geese has turned up at Belvide Reservr, maybe this is “Barnie” from Queen’s Park!!!
Borrow Pit Meadows – 1500
Very quiet, pair of Mallards, Coot, female Teal, and Robins still coming to food by bench which I think are a pair, not fighting over the food!!!
Colin Lythgoe 16th January 2023
Just trying to get my birding activities re-started after some problems I checked my entry on 9th Jan at Doddington and noticed an error; the LBB gull total in the roost should have been 4,000 not 400.
Mike&Andy 13th January 2023
A Peregrine was seriously giving a Buzzard a clear off at Doddington this morning and a Sparrohawk flew across the units,also close to the units a pair of Stonechats along the fence line.On the pool a Barnacle Goose was very welcome.
Colin Lythgoe 9th January 2023
At Doddington a late visit to check the evening gull roost gave the following totals: bh gull 4,500, lbb gull 4,00, common gull 150, herring gull 100, gbb gull 6
David Cookson 9th January 2023
9-1-23. I visites Doddington this morning. Amongst the 26 species recorded there were of note 7 Pochard, Nuthatch and a Stonechat.
Mike Tonks 9th January 2023
A male blackcap feeding on sunflower hearts this morning. A first for our Elworth garden.
Nigel Henderson 8th January 2023
Park; Kingfisher – Flying low downstream of St. Stephen’s entrance bridge
River Dane – Steamboat car park; Dipper x 2
River Dane riverside walk – opposite flats car park; Goosander 2 ♂♂ 2♀♀
Colin Lythgoe 6th January 2023
At Doddington this morning, few birds left if you discounted coot and mallard, but some quality. 35 Tufted, 16 goldeneye, 2 pochard, 1 wigeon, 1 shelduck, 2 skylark, 1 kestrel and 3 stonechats near the carpark. Thanks to Mike, Andy and John.
Nigel Henderson 6th January 2023
Sandbach Flashes – Hancocks Flood; Curlew x 26
You see, I am allowed out of Congleton.
Glyn Jones 5th January 2023
5th January 2023 – 1130
Queen’s Park Crewe
70+ Canada Geese, M&F Mandarin Ducks, Mute Swan, 4 Common Gulls amongst all the Black-headed Gulls and single Female Goosander
David Winnington 5th January 2023
7 Redpoll feeding Church Lawton Ashbank farm area bottom of hill wood side
Also 4 Mandarin 2 Drakes Lawton Lake
From causeway
Glyn Jones 4th January 2023
4th January 2023
Borrow Pit Meadows – 1100
Another quiet day, 2 Robins coming to food by bench and a Treecreeper
Queen’s Park Crewe – 1400
3 F Goosanders, M & F Mandarin Ducks and a Mute Swan
Nigel Henderson 4th January 2023
Congleton park – rugby field; Mistle Thrush x 2
Dane – Steamboat car park; Dipper x 2 on the collapsing wall
Dane riverside walk – opposite the flats; Kingfisher – Flying upstream
Nigel Henderson 3rd January 2023
Dane – Steamboat car park;
Dipper – 2 Standing on the far side of the river; one returning one flying downstream.
Dane riverside walk – opposite the flats; Grey Wagtail
There has been a Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming in the park since before Christmas. This seems a bit early to me. Is this normal?
Colin Lythgoe 2nd January 2023
12 little egrets and 1 great white egret came in to roost at rode pool last night
Nigel Henderson 1st January 2023
A happy new year to all our readers. Congleton:River Dane: Dipper from the Steamboat car park
Colin Lythgoe 1st January 2023
a single egyptian goose on the golf course this morning
31st January 2023
4 Oystercatchers in the sailing club at Doddington this morning and a Peregrine perched up.Also Stonechat,Red Kite over,3 Shelduck,18 Goldeneye,20 Pochard and 11 Shovelers.
27th January 2023
27th January 2023
Queen’s Park – 1145
60+ Canada Geese, 2 F Goosanders, pair of Mandarin Ducks, single Common Gull amongst all the Black-headed Gulls
Our Mute Swan left about five days ago and is thought to be at Winsford Flash,
also Little Owl was showing well yesterday at its usual spot but not today!!!
27th January 2023
At Doddington on a murky morning I could only add 95 tufted to yesterday’s records. The male stonechat was perched on the car par park fence then dropped down amongst the boats.
26th January 2023
75 Wigeon circled Doddington this morning with just 14 dropping down.Also 26 Pochard,10 Goldeneye,a few Teal and Shoveler,Shelduck,2 Stonechats,Reed Bunting and a displaying Raven.
25th January 2023
25th January 2023 – 1130
I also saw 30+ Siskins at Borrow Pit Meadows but they were in alders by the pool but mobile, also Kestrel
25th January 2023
Around 30 siskin still feeding in the alders by Tilley’s Bridge at Borrow Pit Meadows this morning. Thanks Dave
24th January 2023
20+ Siskin in Alder trees Borrow pit meadows near Tilleys bridge
Also Male Kestrel same area
23rd January 2023
Lawton Lake
16,Mandarin 11 Drakes
3 Goosander 2 Drakes
Mute Swan
2 Grey Wagtails on stream
6 Tuffted duck
20th January 2023
A good morning doing a WeBS count at Doddington this morning. The best birds were a female Bullfinch in the trees by Lemon Pool, then a female Stonechat along the drive to the units, followed quickly by a male Stonechat on the car park fence and finally I nearly trod on a Jack Snipe in the juncus. Three species that I did not see at all last year, so with the Grey Partridge that I had last week I probably will start a year list for this year.
The best WeBS birds were shoveler 29, teal 22, goldeneye 10, shelduck 2, pochard 23, tufted 105, wigeon 2, mute swan 2
18th January 2023
Borrow Pit Meadow
After Carol and I bemoaning the lack of birds on our walk we encountered the following on and just off the salt line within a few yards of each other – pheasant / GS woodpecker / buzzard / little egret
18th January 2023
Borrow Pit Meadow / Salt Line
After Carol and I bemoaning the lack of birds on our walk we encountered the following on
16th January 2023
16th January 2023
Queen’s Park Crewe – 1130
80+ Canada Geese, pair of Mandarin Ducks, Mute Swan and 3 F & 1 M Goosanders
P.S. Barnacle Goose has been missing for some time, but a Barnacle Goose amongst some Canada Geese has turned up at Belvide Reservr, maybe this is “Barnie” from Queen’s Park!!!
Borrow Pit Meadows – 1500
Very quiet, pair of Mallards, Coot, female Teal, and Robins still coming to food by bench which I think are a pair, not fighting over the food!!!
16th January 2023
Just trying to get my birding activities re-started after some problems I checked my entry on 9th Jan at Doddington and noticed an error; the LBB gull total in the roost should have been 4,000 not 400.
13th January 2023
A Peregrine was seriously giving a Buzzard a clear off at Doddington this morning and a Sparrohawk flew across the units,also close to the units a pair of Stonechats along the fence line.On the pool a Barnacle Goose was very welcome.
9th January 2023
At Doddington a late visit to check the evening gull roost gave the following totals: bh gull 4,500, lbb gull 4,00, common gull 150, herring gull 100, gbb gull 6
9th January 2023
9-1-23. I visites Doddington this morning. Amongst the 26 species recorded there were of note 7 Pochard, Nuthatch and a Stonechat.
9th January 2023
A male blackcap feeding on sunflower hearts this morning. A first for our Elworth garden.
8th January 2023
Park; Kingfisher – Flying low downstream of St. Stephen’s entrance bridge
River Dane – Steamboat car park; Dipper x 2
River Dane riverside walk – opposite flats car park; Goosander 2 ♂♂ 2♀♀
6th January 2023
At Doddington this morning, few birds left if you discounted coot and mallard, but some quality. 35 Tufted, 16 goldeneye, 2 pochard, 1 wigeon, 1 shelduck, 2 skylark, 1 kestrel and 3 stonechats near the carpark. Thanks to Mike, Andy and John.
6th January 2023
Sandbach Flashes – Hancocks Flood; Curlew x 26
You see, I am allowed out of Congleton.
5th January 2023
5th January 2023 – 1130
Queen’s Park Crewe
70+ Canada Geese, M&F Mandarin Ducks, Mute Swan, 4 Common Gulls amongst all the Black-headed Gulls and single Female Goosander
5th January 2023
7 Redpoll feeding Church Lawton Ashbank farm area bottom of hill wood side
Also 4 Mandarin 2 Drakes Lawton Lake
From causeway
4th January 2023
4th January 2023
Borrow Pit Meadows – 1100
Another quiet day, 2 Robins coming to food by bench and a Treecreeper
Queen’s Park Crewe – 1400
3 F Goosanders, M & F Mandarin Ducks and a Mute Swan
4th January 2023
Congleton park – rugby field; Mistle Thrush x 2
Dane – Steamboat car park; Dipper x 2 on the collapsing wall
Dane riverside walk – opposite the flats; Kingfisher – Flying upstream
3rd January 2023
Dane – Steamboat car park;
Dipper – 2 Standing on the far side of the river; one returning one flying downstream.
Dane riverside walk – opposite the flats; Grey Wagtail
There has been a Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming in the park since before Christmas. This seems a bit early to me. Is this normal?
2nd January 2023
12 little egrets and 1 great white egret came in to roost at rode pool last night
1st January 2023
A happy new year to all our readers. Congleton:River Dane: Dipper from the Steamboat car park
1st January 2023
a single egyptian goose on the golf course this morning