May 2024 Sightings

Details of May sightings will appear on the Monthly Sightings page.


  1. Colin and Sylvia
    31st May 2024

    At Doddington this morning I thought that we were doing well with six shelduck until I came to enter this and saw your 14 – what are they doing there?! But in that first big puddle there Sylvia did spot the best birds – two fluffy oystercatcher chicks walking round the water feeding and being closely guarded by two adults, then further on a moorhen with six young.

    On the water were 74 mute swan, 19 great crested, 14 tufted, 1 pochard and feeding low over the water around 20 sand martins and 4 swifts.

  2. Mike
    29th May 2024

    14 Shelduck and a pair of Gadwall on the left hand side of the road to the units at Doddington this evening.

  3. Glyn Jones
    28th May 2024

    Queens Park Crewe – 1145
    Goslings and ducklings everywhere
    Upto 50 Canada goslings and 30 Mallard ducklings all sort of ages!!!!
    4 of last year’s grown up Mute Swans still although the male adult Mute Swan is trying it’s best to move them on, juv Mute Swan also female Mute Swan with 4 of this year’s cygnets!!

  4. Mike&Andy
    27th May 2024

    At Lea Forge Wybunbury this morning,Sedge Warbler to the left of the track to the units before the brook,Spot Fly just after and from the high ground Red Kite drifting North and a Pregrine crash diving.Also,Grey Wagtail,Kestrel,Bullfinch,Goldcrest,Raven,Linnets,Greenfinch,Skylark,Chiffchaff and Blackcap were the best from our list.

  5. Glyn Jones
    24th May 2024

    Borrow Pit Meadows – 1145
    Very quiet today
    No sign of Canada Geese at nest site, single Greylag Goose on the pool.
    Male and female Blackcaps feeding 2 fledglings Blackcaps at Tilleys Bridge

  6. Colin
    24th May 2024

    At Doddington this morning I spotted 2 hatched oystercatcher eggs shells, 2 very noisy adults but couldn’t spot the young, although they were obviously close by. Also 81 mute swans on the pool but otherwise fairly quiet.

  7. Mike
    23rd May 2024

    At Doddington this evening,2 Ruddy Shelduck and 5 Shelduck along the road to the units.On the pool singles of Mandarin and Shoveler.Difficult to count the Hirundines and Swifts,at least 200.

  8. Glyn Jones
    20th May 2024

    Field between Salt Line Way and Betchton Lane – 1130
    17 Greylag Geese

    Borrow Pit Meadows – 1145
    Single Greylag Goose and 2 Canada Geese at nest site
    Willow Warbler still showing well and 10 Swifts and 2 Swallows over

  9. Nigel Henderson
    18th May 2024

    Little Ringed Plover (Mill Lane Pool)
    Stock Dove (Newsbank Pool)
    Oystercatchers (Newsbank Pool) – at least 6

    Congleton River Dane
    Goosander female with 4 downy young; Grey Wagtail; Kingfisher; Mandarin M&F (Pam)

  10. Nigel Henderson
    17th May 2024

    Congleton – RiverDane
    Female goosander with 4 downy young – the first sighting on our bit of the Dane this year.
    2 x male Mandarin (Pam)

  11. Glyn Jones
    14th May 2024

    Over Selworthy Drive and Underwood Lane junction – 2100

    3 Swifts

  12. Glyn Jones
    14th May 2024

    Over Badger Avenue and Frank Webb Avenue – 1915
    25+ Swifts first of the year flying over the crossroads of the above

  13. Mike&Andy
    14th May 2024

    An unusual session for us at Doddington this afternoon.First off a Bar-t Godwit flushed from the margins,it circled several times before flying off,then a flock of around 25 Snow Geese flew to the S.E. and at the same time a female Yellow Wagtail landed on the wires opposite the sailing club and if that wasn’t enough a Ruddy Shelduck was at the back of the island!Also 2 Shelduck,Reed Warblers,Kestrel,Reed Bunting,6 Oystercatchers,Red-l Partridge,all the Hirundines and Swifts.

  14. Glyn Jones
    14th May 2024

    Spelling mistake – last posting should read 9 ducklings!!!!???

  15. Glyn Jones
    14th May 2024

    Queens Park Crewe – 1515
    Two pairs of Canada Geese with 19 goslings, another pair of Canada Geese with 9 goslings and pair of Mallards with 9 duckings

  16. Nigel Henderson
    13th May 2024

    River Dane: Treecreeper; Grey Wagtail; Kingfisher
    Newsbank Pool: Male Mandarin Duck; 5 x Stock Doves
    Mill Lane Pool (shrinking) (between Marton and Newsbank): Little Ringed Plover

  17. Glyn Jones
    13th May 2024

    Borrow Pit Meadows – 1130
    2 Canada Geese, one on nest, only one Greylag Goose, 2 M 1 F Tufted Ducks on pool,
    2 Willow Warblers still, Song Thrush

  18. Nigel Henderson
    12th May 2024

    Congleton: River Dane: Kingfisher; 2 x Grey Wagtail; Male Goosander

    10th May 2024

    Congleton: River Dane: Grey Wagtails – at least three, one off which was an immature,so it’s fledging time; Kingfisher (fly by)

  20. Glyn Jones
    8th May 2024

    Borrow Pit Meadows – 1345
    10 Greylag Geese all on the water on arrival then 3 flew out, one by nest and 6 other adults chaperoning 8 goslings?? Fantastic!!
    2 Willow Warblers and male Reed Bunting still

  21. Glyn Jones
    7th May 2024

    Borrow Pit Meadows – 1430 to 1615
    2 Canada Geese, one on nest, 2 Greylag Geese, one on nest, further 8 Greylag Geese came in, no sign of any goslings!!
    2 Willow Warblers, male Reed Bunting showing well, 2 Common Whitethroats and 2 Chiffchaffs, also Song Thrush and male Blackbird top of Alder tree, a yard apart, both singing!!

  22. Mike&Andy
    7th May 2024

    A male Common Scoter on the pool at Doddington and on the grass banking along the drive to the hall,a pair of Mandarins.Also this morning,2 Yellow Wagtails on the high ground opposite the Lemon Pool and Sedge Warbler showing in the sailing club as was the Garden Warbler that Colin and Sylvia found last week.Other birds of note were Reed Buntings,Kestrel,Oystercatchers,Skylarks ,Red-l Partridges and Reed Warblers.

  23. Glyn Jones
    6th May 2024

    Borrow Pit Meadows – 1400
    2 Canada Geese, one on nest, 3 M 1 F Tufted Ducks, no sign of Greylag Geese or their goslings

  24. Mike&Andy
    5th May 2024

    5 Warbler species around Wybunbury Moss this morning,the best being Garden and Willow.

  25. Colin, Sylvia and John
    3rd May 2024

    At Doddington this morning it was nice to see as well as listen to a garden warbler in good voice. Also 2 common sand pipers, 3 gadwall (2 males and 1 female) and a swift with the three hirundine species.

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