June 2024 Sightings

Details of June sightings will appear on the Monthly Sightings page.


  1. Colin
    5th July 2024

    An exciting morning at Doddington on Thursday 4th July. Driving slowly on the estate I flushed a red kite and three ravens together on the ground in the small grass field between Lemon Pool and the wood by the hall. I parked out of the way and waited and the red kite and one of the ravens re-appeared having an aerial battle including a brief session of talon grappling. They then moved out of sight over the wood. I got another brief view of the kite ten minutes later.
    Also seen; on the puddle were oystercatcher 4 (2 adults with 2 fledged juvs), and lapwing 6 with 2 probable juvs. On the main pool 11 little grebe, 7 ads and 4 juvs of 2 broods and finally 89 mute swans

  2. Mike&Andy
    4th July 2024

    L.R.Plover on the shrinking flood field along the drive to the units at Doddington this afternoon.

  3. Colin
    4th July 2024

    An exciting visit to Doddington Pool this morning, 4th July. Driving slowly on the estate I flushed a red kite and three ravens on the ground from the small grass field between Lemon Pool and the wood by the hall. I parked out of the way and waited and shortly the red kite and one of the ravens re-appeared having a mid-air battle including a brief session of talon-grappling. They then moved out of sight over the wood. I got another brief view of the red kite about ten minutes later.
    Also there 2 adult with 2 fledged oystercatchers on the puddle as well as 2 juv lapwing. On the water little grebes had 7 adults and 4 juvs (2 broods). and I nearly forgot the 89 mute swans.

  4. Darron Boulton
    2nd July 2024

    Red Kite over Sainsbury’s roundabout, Nantwich Tues am.

  5. Derek Owen
    27th June 2024

    At least 15 Swift over “Joey the Swan” this evening.

  6. Peter
    25th June 2024

    Tchaikovsky concert at Dodington today … Swan Lake. A long time since we’ve seen so many

  7. Mike&Andy
    25th June 2024

    A Yellow Wagtail in the crop field opposite the puddle at the start of the drive to the units at Doddington this morning.Also at least 2 Lapwing chicks with adults and a family of Goldcrests in conifers at the back of the units.

  8. Mike&Andy
    16th June 2024

    A Redshank briefly on the sandy shoreline opposite the end of the island at Doddington this morning.

  9. Colin
    12th June 2024

    at Borrow Pit Meadows this morning a very obliging reed warbler in the reed bed, singing from a perch in a small bush in the sunshine

  10. Glyn Jones
    11th June 2024

    Borrow Pit Meadows – 1445
    Very quiet but Grey Heron on pool,
    Reed Warbler very vocal in reeds and eventually showed itself right in front of the bench!!!

  11. Nigel Henderson
    7th June 2024

    Congleton: River Dane:

    Female Goosander with five young. We have seen a female Goosander with four young and a female Goosander with six young on the Dane. This female keeps trying to chase one of the young away. Our presumption is that one of the six has become detached and lost and is trying to join the four. We can’t prove this of course, but it fits the observed facts.

    Also Grey Wagtail and Kingfisher.

  12. Colin
    7th June 2024

    At Doddington this morning, a brief drive down to the units gave the pair of oystercatchers with 2 juvs still surviving, lapwing on a probable nest and 4 common shelduck but where is that ruddy Ruddy Shelduck!
    On the water that unidentified goose that was here a while ago; all white head and neck with a small all black bill and a prominent black eye, wings were pale brown

  13. Mike&Andy
    7th June 2024

    3 Red Kites together over Lea Forge this morning and a Peregrine on the pylons.

  14. Colin
    7th June 2024

    At Doddington this morning a brief drive down to the units and back gave oystercatcher pair with 2 chicks surviving, lapwing pair on probable nest and 4 shelduck. Where is that ruddy Ruddy Shelduck? Also a view on the water of that previously seen unidentified swan? White head and neck with a noticeably small neat all black bill and small black eye, wings brown.

  15. Glyn Jones
    5th June 2024

    Borrow Pit Meadows – 1145
    Influx of House Martins 30+ plus 3 Swifts and 6 Swallows top field adjacent to sewerage works
    Male Reed Bunting showing well also possible nesting site of Chiffchaff both edge of pool

  16. Nigel Henderson
    5th June 2024


    River Dane: Grey Wagtail, Kingfisher

    4th June 2024


    River Dane: Grey Wagtail

    Mill Lane Pool (on the right hand side, going from Marton to Newsbank): Little Ringed Plover; Shelduck with three downy young

  18. Glyn Jones
    3rd June 2024

    Borrow Pit Meadows – 1130
    40+ Swifts and 30+ Swallows top field adjacent to sewerage works, still there when I left,
    Common Buzzard and Grey Heron through

    Queen’s Park Crewe – 1445
    2 Greylag Geese with 60 Canada Geese
    Up to 50 Canada Goslings at various ages
    Last years 4 Mute Swans still there although the male adult Mute Swan is doing its best to move them on,
    this years 3 cygnets and female Mute Swan still although there were 4 cygnets originally

  19. Mike&Andy
    2nd June 2024

    A Little Egret perched up in the wood at Doddington this morning and along the drive to the units,Ruddy Shelduck,9 Shelduck,2 Gadwall and still Oystercatcher chicks as noted by Colin and Sylvia last Friday.

  20. Pam Henderson
    2nd June 2024

    Adult Dipper on the Dane in Congleton, first one we.ve seen since April.

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